
Phirate - Account Removal

12/27/07 22:26

As a general rule, without good reason, we will not interfere with an account on the basis of what they may or may not have done outside of Entrecard. This is for three reasons:

1. We believe site owners should be able to exercise free speech, and we do not wish to become a chilling effect unless it is unavoidable.
2. We cannot verify information supplied from outside Entrecard.
3. We do not wish to find ourselves in a position where we are easily able to filter the membership of Entrecard based on a moral position rather than a technical one.

It is necessary for us to retain the ability to make judgement calls due to the infinite variety of blogs and situations, however we certainly try and avoid removing accounts unless we feel we have to. Even within those limits we've had some real headscratchers.

I don't know whether we'll do anything in this particular case, but before demanding action please spare a thought for your own blog, and the implications it would have if we started intervening wholesale based on content or assertions of poor behaviour.

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