
Phirate - Shop Items

12/20/07 17:15

Consider the yellow box thingie to be the first in a wide variety of things. The intention is to diversify the market, at the moment the only thing you can buy is ad space or attention (ie, run a competition with your credits). We are providing a mechanism for people to do more with their credits.

While I understand that the limited stock numbers for the yellow box thingie have caused some consternation it is in fact simply equivalent to an ad spot being full.

At the moment, anyone who drops regularly can buy anything that is available - even the most expensive item or spot is within the reach of a single day of dropping.

We have simply introduced more choice - you can get that ad on JC's blog or you can surround your icon with a pee-color and get more attention on the Entrecard category. Neither one in and of itself creates any elitism, it's simply a choice in how you spend your credits. Unlike an ad spot however, you can actually buy a pee-colored border off someone who already has it.

If it aint broke don't fix it only applies to things in stasis, a rapidly growing community is a constant state of change, it is necessary for us to change things not just to deal with existing problems, but also head off larger problems we foresee in the future. The shop deals with a number of possible future issues in one shot.

I understand your frustration regarding problems that exist right now, unfortunately the logistics of software development make it inefficient to resolve existing problems during a "spike" of new development, so I have been unable to fix things up over the last few days. I have a long list of simple fixes that need to be done that I'll be going through as soon as I can make some space.

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